28 thoughts on “43 Years”

  1. Happy Anniversary! You have much to celebrate! This photo is priceless.
    Enjoy your celebration!

  2. What a wonderful wedding picture.
    Happy anniversary Valerie and Gary.
    Wishing you a special dinner and blessings in your next year together ❣️

  3. So beautiful and handsome! Happy Anniversary. May God continue to bless your marriage.

  4. Happy Anniversary Valerie and Gary! What a beautiful precious wedding picture! Prayers to both be of you for many more wonderful years together!
    You are such a blessing to me and I am so grateful that God has put you in my life!❤️

  5. What a great wedding photo! It is so you and Gary! Those were wonderful times in their own way, weren’t they! Forty-three years is certainly worthy of a celebration, that is for sure. Enjoy your dinner out! Blessings to both of you, Valerie, and wishes for many more joyful times.

      1. Thank you.
        That’s an interesting comment about Gary. I guess you haven’t seen him much. HA!

  6. What a beautiful ‘young’ couple. I’ve never seen Gary in anything
    but grey, so it was a real treat! Isn’t it wonderful to look back and enjoy those special events all over again?

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