About Me

My name is Valerie. I’m a native of Minnesota. I am happily married and have two adult sons. One son and daughter-in-love live in MN and they have two beautiful children: a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old son. My younger son and daughter-in-love live in North Carolina and have two darling children: a 7 year-old daughter and 6 year-old son. 

I am a beloved child of God. I love being outdoors in God’s beautiful creation and I love adventure…big and small. I love trying out new ideas, and discovering new places by exploring, traveling and reading.

I have been writing this blog for several years. I enjoy writing my musings on life to record and tell stories, and am delighted to share them on this site. Thank you for reading.

You may contact me at this email address: valeriesvoice.net@gmail.com