A Bonfire with a Twist

Two weeks ago we roasted hot dogs over a winter bonfire in River Bend Nature Center. We’ve roasted “many a hot dogs” over the years. It’s fun, and they’re tasty (it’s the only way I’ll eat a hot dog). We’ve also made mini pizzas and apple pies over camp fires in our iron sandwich-maker sticks many times.

Roasting donut holes over a wood fire in a fire pit.

But this past weekend we roasted something over the fire that we have never roasted…we roasted donut holes!

The steeple was renovated on the 1894 white clapboard church.

It was a fundraiser for the Valley Grove Church steeple fund, near Nerstrand. I was intrigued when I learned about this event, so we decided to give it a try.  

When we arrived, there were a couple of fire pits set up for the roasters, metal sticks in a bucket for roasting, and a variety of donut holes to choose from with extra toppings of chocolate dipping sauce and cinnamon and sugar for coating the donut hole after it was roasted. 

Others enjoyed roasting donut holes.

We picked out our donut holes, stuck them on our stick and began roasting. The holes did taste good roasted…nice and warm and toasty. It was a fun and unique idea.

I don’t know the name for these waterfalls…we call it Hidden Falls Two.

Afterward, we hiked one of the prairie trails at Valley Grove, down to Hidden Falls Two. I have not seen much water run over these falls in the past, but on this day there was a full, frozen ice fall.

The tall golden prairie grass and bright blue sky.

We enjoyed the blue skies and prairie grass, and I always love seeing the two historic churches and cemetery on the hill.

Valley Grove Churches: The stone church was built in 1862 and the white clapboard church was built in 1894.

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