Our writing prompt was to write about a ghost. It took a couple of months for me to come up with an idea for a story…and then I encountered Toro, the Friendly Ghost.

On our annual trip to the north shore this year, we brought some kindling from our shed. We enjoy having a campfire on the rocks outside the cabin. This is a fun activity we do when we go up to the north shore…build a campfire on the rocks near the water. On this night the sky was clear and we saw thousands of stars. A sight to behold.
I sometimes take photos of our campfires…they are so mesmerizing…and we love to sit and watch the flames dance as we poke a stick into the fire to rearrange the logs. I take photos for documentation, although most do not turn out. But I try, and so, I did this night.
It was interesting…a green blob appeared when I was framing the photo. I moved the camera slightly to get the green blob out of the photo, but it was still there. Then I tried many different angles, but the green blob was in every frame, just above the flames. I have proof!
So, we wondered… where did this “ghost” come from?
We decided it came from our shed in our backyard in Northfield. When Gary grabbed the old, blue, plastic container filled with kindling from the shed, to pack in our car, we decided this ghost hitched a ride in the plastic tub, to the north shore.
We believe that night our friendly ghost, who we named Toro (since he shared the shed with a Toro lawn mower) was set free. For the past thirty years he was confined to our shed, watching over the kindling and unlocked doors, keeping watch over our belongings. Now that we were moving away from this address, Toro felt free to ride along with the kindling.
That night, when we set the tub down by the fire ring on the rocks, he began testing his “wings” by hanging around the fire…hesitant, I believe, to let us go after all these years. Then, he remembered the reason he had tagged along in the box. He remembered we were moving away from the house, and the shed, on Aldrich Drive. He was now free and able to go find a new shed to protect.
He was hanging out at the fire saying his last good-byes. The next time I tried to take a photo…he had vanished… in the wind, or waves, or however a friendly ghost travels…
Best wishes, Toro!
Funny history Valerie🤩 You have a good imagination to get a history like this from the green «thing» in your photo😂 A history for a childrens book….🥳
I’m glad you liked my story, Kari. 😉
Maybe he could come and protect the shed at my cabin. We will have to look for him next summer when you come up for our time at the lake.
Let’s do it!
I love going to your cabin…Toro would like it, I’m sure.
What a creative ghost story. This was fun to read this morning, Valerie.
Thanks Audrey. I don’t do a lot of fiction writing…it’s a fun challenge for me.
(Although this was based on a true story…the green blog in my photos.)
I love that you made the ghost protective!
Thanks Suzanne!
I love that Toro is a friendly ghost! Maybe he will find a new shed to protect for another family. We can only hope!
Yes, I’m glad we created Toro as a protective, friendly ghost.