A New Day

This morning I went for a walk with a friend in Carleton’s lower arb. As we walked near the river, an eagle flew out of a tree in front of us and flew across the river to the other side. It was amazing to see it up close…the wing span was large.

The eagle flew from one side of the river to the other

I thought of the verse in Isaiah 40:31 “…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

It was a majestic sight and a wonderful reminder that as I am hoping in the Lord these days, He will renew my strength.

I like radishes!

And…my friend surprised me with a bunch of beautiful radishes.

What a way to start the day.

4 thoughts on “A New Day”

  1. I was shocked to see the wing span of an eagle one day on my beach at the cabin. When he took off, because I was so close, I swear he had a wing span of at least five feet. They don’t look that large soaring in the sky so it really left me in awe seeing him up close.

    1. Thanks Audrey.
      It was delightful to see the eagle so close.

      And the red of the radishes was a vibrant red! They were delicious too!

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