We have been blessed with some idyllic spring mornings lately: plenty of sunshine and blue skies, coolish temperatures and no wind. One morning I hopped on my bike and pedaled my way to a familiar nine mile loop outside Northfield. We call it “going around the block” (a large block!) There is a short trek on city streets and then long stretches of country roads with several hills to climb (and coast back down again thankfully).

In town, as I rode along, I saw a mother with her child out for an early morning walk already. I heard dogs barking and passed golfer’s golfing. Once out in the country it was quiet and still except for the birds singing and a rooster crowing. I biked past peaceful farms, ponies in a pen, open fields ready to be plowed and planted, and wind turbines – to remind me we’re in the 21st century.

St. Olaf has it’s own wind turbine on the other side of town.
On the first six miles of this ride only one car passed me. The last three miles traffic picked up on the country road heading back into town. One truck came up behind me on the crest of a hill and passed me – in a no passing zone. I couldn’t believe he’d pass when he couldn’t see over the hill. I’m thankful another car was not approaching in the opposite lane.

Mostly it’s a tranquil ride – even when I’m out of breath climbing those hills. I’m grateful to have this route close to where I live. I can hop on my bike and be out enjoying the countryside in just a few minutes.
I really enjoyed this word descriptive and photo descriptive post about your bike ride. Such beauty exists right here, in our area.
Thanks Audrey. Southeastern Minnesota is beautiful, as well as so many other areas of Minnesota.
The pictures you include in your blog really make the words come to life! An eloquent description of what a spring morning is like in our part of the world – beautiful!
Thank you. Spring is special, especially for those who have survived a long winter.
Enjoyed the ride with you via your photos. Nature never stops giving, does it? It seems to have endless bounty. Thanks for sharing.
Glad I could give you a ride as you are recovering from surgery. 😉
The blue sky is beautiful, but the first photo is amazingly blue! My tip to riding a bike is to completely stop before getting off! Yeah, there’s a story that goes with that thought!!!! And I know you are very experienced. Very thankful for your safety on that road!
Sounds like a story I want to hear about sometime.
BTW, the sky was that deep blue you see in the first picture, but the light and camera angle were different for the other photos.