A Poem

On our recent trip up north, with our sons and their families, I thought about this poem I wrote back in 1998, in the midst of raising children, working, and extended family activities. It rings true today, but maybe I’d add some grandchildren to the scene. 😉 

On the sea in Norway, but any body of water will do.
There's No Place I'd Rather Be

There’s no place I would rather be
Than by the shore or on the sea.

For at this place my heart’s alive
My body’s at rest, my soul’s revived.

There’s time to reflect, to think, to pray
And time to watch nature at play.

These retreats are made o-so-fair
As different sounds fill the air.

Rushing water or gentle waves
Is what my body and soul craves.

The songbird always sings its song
And gulls or loons may join along.

Creatures dare to come close you see
When I’m quietly sitting with just me.

Through it all my Creator speaks
And I’d like to be there every week.

My world slows down and I rejoice
To be on shore or sea is my choice.
A photo of me(2016) kayaking in Lake Superior harbor watching the Tall Ships parade.

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