
The sun coming up over Lake Superior.

Ahhh. Here’s the morning sunrise I love to see. The sun pops over the horizon in an instant…it so surprising to see it’s not there and then it’s there. Such an amazing gift. It’s going to be another great day on the north shore.

The sun’s light trail glistening on the water.

Yesterday’s sky was a beautiful autumn blue. We went for a bike ride on the Gitchi-Gami trail, a hike at Temperance River State Park, sat on the rocks outside our cabin for reading time, walked to Tofte Park with baby Aria in the stroller, enjoyed our family time. It was a starry, starry night and we made s’mores over the campfire.

Temperance River
Sitting on the rocks outside the cabin.

Have I mentioned how much I love it up here???

6 thoughts on “Ahhh…”

  1. Hi Valerie, I so enjoy your posts and feel like I’m up North with you! And I think what a great tradition your family gatherings have been and what a great example they have been for your “boys” and now their family. Thanks for sharing the North Shore beauty !

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