And then there were none…

Sad news…two days ago I was out in the yard and found the second baby robin (two of three – last week I found the first one) dead in the grass. I’m not sure what is taking them from their nest…someone suggested a Blue Jay.

On May 12 I noticed these three, beautiful blue eggs in a nest outside our window. Mama Robin has been caring for her young since then, and now all three have died.

Last night I took a photo of the last baby robin sitting contently in its nest.

And then I found it dead, this morning, under the tree where the nest is. I’m sad.

Now, I wonder if I’ll see Mama Robin anymore? I’ll miss her.

9 thoughts on “And then there were none…”

  1. You have started down a path that all your friends will love and I believe you will find great satisfaction!

  2. I believe you and your followers will find this daily email very satisfying and a blessing for all of us! Thank you

  3. I share your sorrow at the loss of the sweet baby robins. I’d hoped you could see them spread their wings and fly.

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