In the past we have not usually acknowledged Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, which is the day before Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins, but we did celebrate the occasion this year. When we arrived in Dunedin, where our friends now live in Florida, a Mardi Gras parade was scheduled for that evening.

The parade route was blocks from their house so we walked over to join the fun. Our friends had a few Mardi Gras parades “under their belt” because their daughter lives in New Orleans, so Sue dug out her box of goodies labeled “Mardi Gras” and we donned some extra embellishments before we headed out.

I did not know, but at Mardi Gras parades the MO (mode of operation) is to throw out sparkly beaded necklaces…and when you catch one (or miss it and pick it up off the street) you collect them around your neck. They are plentiful, and we had accumulated a lot by the end of the parade.

The parade was at night, which meant the floats and displays were all lit up with multi-colored lights. I’m a fan of color and I really enjoyed seeing the beautiful lighted processions. It was fun to catch the jewels too.

There was a very large turnout for this parade. The parade route ended at a city park where there were plenty of concessions stands and other forms of entertainment to participate in after the parade.

It was a colorful and festive adventure.
What fun to experience Mardi Gras without the mobs that are at the New Orleans event!
You’re right. I’m not one for crowds but, this was manageable and fun.
We had so much fun celebrating with you and Gary. Mardi Gras is colorful, that’s for sure!
We had fun too. One of many fun activities! 😉
Oh, this would have been fun to see. All that color!
It was a colorful parade…I don’t know if all Mardi Gras parades are colorful, and an night…hmmm
I’ll have to ask around…