“What would you pay to see you the sun rise or the sun set if it were not free entertainment?”
I don’t remember where I heard this quote years ago but I have never forgotten it. (I have not found a source to credit.)
I have quoted this quote or thought it many times over the years…whenever I see a sunset or sunrise, or see photos of them, or when someone talks or writes about them, but also when I am out enjoying nature…for free!
I love to be in nature…I love to be outside…and I find a lot of free entertainment in outdoor spaces.
I remember a time when the boys were young and we were vacation waiting for a train and the wait was going to be long. I noticed a pond nearby so we went and sat near it and watched some ducks floating around, playing together. The ducks were fun to watch and I remember telling the boys one can always find great entertainment watching birds or animals, and observing nature.
Audrey Helbling’s Minnesota Prairie Roots blog on sunrises and sunsets prompted me to think of the quote recently. Read her beautiful poem entitled “Writing poetry as the sun rises” here.