Bird Song

A fun and funky print I have.

As we walked along the river trail the other morning, we heard an unusual number of birds singing. The sound ramped up as we got closer to the hundreds of birds we could not see (except for a few in the treetops) but it sounded like a huge choir of birds, and not the normal bird songs one hears in the spring. Loud chirping was more like it. We took notice. 

As we walked through this moment, we passed some walkers and they commented on the sound from the birds. I recognized one of the walkers as the orchestra conductor at St. Olaf College…I said to him as we passed, “I think the birds need a conductor.” His group also commented on the number of birds there must be to make loud “music” like that. 

Gary and I continued on and all at once there was silence! 

Not one bird sound. They all stopped at the exact same moment…for about five seconds.


Then, just as quickly as they stopped, the birds resumed their singing again, loudly again. We looked at each other and Gary quipped, “They must have had to turn the page.” I laughed.

The conductor said he’d love to see all the birds take off at once. That would be a sight to see.

I do love birds…to watch them at the feeders and see them in nature, to admire their unique beauty and hear their sweet songs.

10 thoughts on “Bird Song”

  1. What a profound moment that must have been to hear all the birds suddenly stop, mid-song. Love Gary’s quick reply of page turning. Thanks for the smiles this morning. Love the print, btw.

  2. Being near birds is one of my happy places! I would have loved to hear them all go quiet at once. You have to wonder if they communicated that to one another in some way. Ahhhh … the magic of nature! Thanks for sharing, Valerie!

    1. Birds “speak” and bring comfort to many of us. I’m glad you have your special spot to be with the birds!

      1. I LOVE BIRD WATCHING and each of my 5 windows (to the back yard ) are
        10 feet high and they make an 18 foot wide glass wall. Our first wren arrived today to choose and prepare 3 birdhouses ( that Eldy has made ) for his wife to choose one of them for this year’s nest for their babies.
        LONG SENTENCE ! Hopefully you could
        Follow. Kay

        1. I followed…how fun to watch the wrens pick a house “that Eldy built.”

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