On our third day we paddled out of the BWCA and back to the Falls Lake boat landing where our cars were parked.
We woke up to cloudy skies, and a few mosquitoes. Before this morning we had no issues with mosquitoes or the nasty black flies, and we didn’t need to use our netting or bug spray. After a delicious breakfast of oatmeal with red quinoa, we packed our gear and “left no trace” and paddled away. The wind was picking up.
We paddled through the first lake with a slight wind. We paddled through the second lake with more wind but no rain. We paddled through the third lake in the wind and rain…so it made my adventure complete…I experienced the BWCA in the beautiful sunshine and in a dismal rain. Both were beautiful but I was thankful the rain came on our last day – on our way out.
My time in the BWCA was a great adventure and it was so good to experience the great wilderness of Northern Minnesota in this way. I am grateful.
I’ve heard stories about the horrible masses of mosquitoes, so I am surprised you did not encounter them. What’s the reason, do you think?
That group shot is a treasure, as I’m sure are your memories of this trip.
I’m not sure why the mosquitoes were not bad this year…we haven’t noticed many on our deck this year or when we were camping up north before our boundary waters trip. I’m likin’ it though.
Great to catch up on the trip! Loved the photos and stories and immediately looked up an oatmeal & Quinoa recipe : )
Was there a recipe? Jane just added some quinoa to the oatmeal. It was tasty.
The trip was a great adventure!