Celebrating Life

I’ve felt much sadness from the news of the shooting in Las Vegas earlier this week. I think of all the parents grieving over their beloved children, no matter what age the children are. I believe God is grieving over this violent act too.

So I am ever more grateful to be able to give both my sons a hug this week. Our oldest son lives in the cities, our younger son lives in Mozambique, Africa but is here in Minnesota for a visit. I am grateful for these two wonderful, healthy, young men and their families.

We have had a nice visit with our youngest son, the father of two of our three grandchildren.

A walk in the woods.

We went for a hike and ate a picnic lunch at Nerstrand Big Woods State Park,

Tried new fire log…it worked.

and sat around a bonfire in our back yard under a full moon, along with sharing meals and stories together…and a little shopping for gifts to bring to his family back home.

He met his five-month old niece for the first time too. We are celebrating life!

4 thoughts on “Celebrating Life”

  1. How wonderful that had to be having your sons together with the new addition to the family. Your prayer has been answered.

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