Dove Drama

This morning, after starting the coffee pot, I took my usual trip to the back deck and said good morning to “Miss Dove”, the mourning dove whose nest is in the honeysuckle vine. Her two babies (squabs) were there, although I could only see one clearly, but I’m pretty sure both mama and baby smiled back at me.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down looking out my window when all of a sudden I saw a flurry of activity by the nest. I thought maybe the babes were learning to fly…and then I saw a squirrel, attacking the birds.

Feathers were flying everywhere.

I immediately rushed out to scare the squirrel but by the time I got there the squirrel was gone, and so were all three birds.

Feathers were floating everywhere in the aftermath of the attack. I was dumbstruck. I couldn’t believe what just happened. First, my special friends were gone…were they dead? I was so sad. And secondly, I didn’t know squirrels went after birds.

All morning I kept checking the nest, hoping the birds would fly back but they didn’t. However, later I recognized one of the baby doves sitting on top of our lattice wall. I was so happy to see it. It was looking at me, and I suppose, wondering where his mama was. I didn’t know what to do so I called a friend familiar with birds and he said I could try to pick up the baby and put it back in the nest, but we decided to leave it alone since it was already capable of flying.

I recognized this baby dove on top of our lattice wall.

Eventually the baby dove flew into the tree and I can only hope it was reunited with its mother. I have no idea about the second baby dove. I hope it too survived somehow.

Ah, nature… it’s beautiful, but can be harsh. I will miss my brood.

4 thoughts on “Dove Drama”

  1. So sad..I think I would report that squirrel to the police. I’m going to check my chicks this morning.

  2. Oh, no! How startling, for sure. We have a bird feeder and Marty is actively on duty to chase the squirrels away. I think he enjoys making a ruckus… Marty that is! I do believe your experience is a word picture of our reality too!

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