Every Child Has a Name



“I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me” John 10:14

I read this verse yesterday morning and kept it in my heart as I volunteered at Northfield’s Christmas Sharing later that morning. Christmas Sharing is wonderful program that serves hundreds of family’s each Christmas. Parents, who qualify, are able to come and “shop” (for free) for their children. They can choose among hundreds of toys that have been generously donated by the community. Parents can pick one big gift item for each child, a game per family, a book for each child, a pair of pajamas for each child (a team makes the pajamas all year long.) They also can choose one stocking-stuffer per child, a hat and a pair of mittens per child and one quilt per family (also made and donated all year long). There is gift-wrapping service too.

img_5031There are many, many hands that make this program work and it’s been working for many years now. There are different types of volunteer positions. One is shopping assistant and that is what I like to do. I follow along with the shopping cart as the client chooses the gifts. It’s especially fun when the mom gets so excited to find that perfect gift… and then she continues to say thank you over and over again each time she picks something out.

I’m proud of our Community Action Center that works very hard to make this happen. It’s a blessing to the clients but also to all those who help in some small way.  It’s a Christmas gift to the whole community.

2 thoughts on “Every Child Has a Name”

  1. I love this. Thank you for being part of such a loving and giving program.

    On a much smaller scale, our bible study group organizers the angel tree at our church. Families in need receive gifts. Tomorrow evening, weather permitting, we will gather to wrap the presents.

  2. That’s a worthy project too.

    I hope the predicted weather doesn’t come for a different reason..we are heading to the airport for a weekend trip to IN to attend a funeral.

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