Fairy Garden


A few weeks ago a friend and I were enjoying all the flowers in a garden center when we came to a display of all things fairy – the new fad that has caught on…called fairy gardens. Miniature fairies and miniature accessories of all kinds. We had so much fun looking at all the merchandise and we each bought a small fairy. I placed it in my front garden and when I see it I smile. As the plant its near grows it will not be visible but for now I see it every morning.

I love the idea of my little granddaughter coming to my house and looking in my gardens for the hidden fairy. The only problem is my granddaughter is nine thousand miles away and will not be at our house this summer. I do keep a journal for my granddaughter. I told her I hid a fairy and someday she will be able to come to my house and hunt for it in my garden.

In the meantime, I will enjoy my fairy, hidden more every day as my gardens grow and become more beautiful as spring turns into summer.