As we continue our preparations to move, I brought to light a couple of old dresses I had tucked into the back of our closet. It was fun to think back on their stories.
In junior high I learned to sew and continued sewing a lot of my clothes through high school (and a few years beyond)…including prom dresses. I liked a lot of the clothes I made…I guess that’s the beauty of making your own clothes…picking out the right fabric, adding details to make them your own, and they fit well. Of all the clothes I made, there are only two dresses, from the 1960’s and 70’s, that I kept.
This red/white dress I made in high school…the hem length was short, as was the style back then!
I loved adding detail to my dresses. The flared-cuff and the lace trim around the neckline, wrists and small waist, made this dress unique. It used to fit!
The cranberry color dress has interesting details; front pleats, a peter pan collar with a knot, and a belt I made.
I did not make the black and blue party dress, but I fell in love with it when I first saw it. I wish it still fit! I felt really good in it and it was a pleasure to wear. I remember finding it at an extremely low price on a clearance sale. There was a time when Gary worked for a company that threw elaborate Christmas parties (in the 80’s) and they were dress-up events. It does have shoulder pads which definitely dates it, but I couldn’t part with it, so it hangs in my closet.
The cream color peasant dress was another dressy-dress I wore for special occasions, including wedding soirées. I’ll wash it up and give it to a thrift store. I can imagine a young woman wearing it today…maybe I’m wrong…
My delicate baptism gown – I have pictures of me in this dress at my baptism, but obviously I do not remember wearing it…but it does have special meaning and I’ll keep it.
As I thought about my sewing days, I envisioned the basement in the house where I grew up. I realized between practicing on the upright piano and sewing with a Singer sewing machine, I spent a lot of time down in that finished-off basement. I enjoyed it. I pondered whether to bring my sewing machine (bought in 1978) with me to our new house, and decided I will take it with me – just in case I get inspired to sew something!
I didn’t know you were so talented. You did a great job on those dresses.
Thanks Barb.
Lots of trips down memory lane.
That was a fun post as I know you are a classy lady with excellent taste! I didn’t know you did so much creative sewing! My 9-year old granddaughter just requested and received a sewing machine for her birthday! I hope she matches your enthusiasm and diligence!
That’s exciting for Nova. I hope she enjoys learning to sew.
Her grandma can help her!
I’m very impressed with your designer/sewing skills! I li r your explanation s of why each dress was special for all of us women can really relate! Even down to the upright piano and sewing machine in the finished off (knotty pine that my Dad put in) … what special memories of the 60’s (for me).
Another subject for us to discuss next time we’re together!
Special memories, for sure!
I can see Zoey wearing the top dress some day. I’d give it to her, if it will fit.
I, too, sewed nearly all my clothes during junior and senior high school. Unfortunately, I don’t have any of them. They were passed down to my sister, who very much disliked my hand-me-downs. I haven’t touched my 1974 Sears Kenmore sewing machine in years.
The peasant dress is something I can certainly see a young woman of today wearing.