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I normally don’t watch football but I think many Minnesotans who normally don’t watch football are, like me, watching the games leading up to the Super Bowl, especially since our hometown team, the Vikings, are doing so well.

After a long walk through the Carleton Arb, as beautiful snow gently fell (like walking in a snow globe) we settled in and watched the Vikings play against the New Orleans Saints. I was surprised at how engaged I was. When I thought the game was over, because the Vikings were behind 2 points and only 10 seconds left on the clock, all of a sudden the Minnesota Vikings got a touchdown and won the game! I don’t know enough about football to use football language, all I know is that it was a WOW moment.

When interviewed, the quarter back Case Keenum said the best three moments in his life were giving is life to Jesus, marrying his wife and that touchdown throw!

The Vikings play another game next weekend which will determine if the they will play in the Super Bowl… on their own turf… in the U.S. Bank Stadium, Minneapolis.

Go Vikings!



4 thoughts on “Football”

    1. I laughed too, when I saw yours, and then felt a little reassurance for blogging about football.

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