Grateful for Glasses

My new glasses arrived…and I’m thrilled. After eye surgery in January, a different prescription, and deteriorating lenses, I wasn’t seeing very well out of my old glasses for several months. After struggling to pick out frames (always hard to do) I ordered them last week and picked them yesterday – less than a week later.  Immediately when I put them on there was a noticeable difference! My vision is so sharp and clear. It is a gift to have access to good medical care and to be able to order new eye glasses and I don’t want to take it for granted. I am grateful.

Only one thing…I’m noticing some dust in the house…

2 thoughts on “Grateful for Glasses”

  1. I know exactly how you feel about eyeglasses. I got new ones several months ago. When I put them on, I just sat there in awe, truly amazed at how crystal clear the world before me.

    Six years had passed since my last eye exam. Yeah, time flies.

    I’ve worn glasses since age four. I had surgery at that young age to correct my crossed eyes, even wore a patch over my “good eye” so my “lazy eye” would learn to work. I never take my vision for granted. Just like my hearing, especially since I lost nearly all of my hearing in my right ear due to sudden sensory hearing loss (perhaps caused by a virus).

    Love your new glasses style.

  2. You have had a longer history with glasses and eye issues than me. I started wearing glasses in high school and used contacts most of the time until about 5 years ago. I’m enjoying my new glasses!

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