Gray Skies and Huge Waves

Obviously it’s not always sunny on the north shore. We love it when the sun shines and the sky is autumn blue and the lake shimmers, but there are cloudy days too. We enjoy all kinds of weather on the north shore. We try not to let the weather stop us from doing what we like to do.

It’s really hard to “catch” the hugeness of the waves on my iPhone.

On this particular day the skies were gray, the lake full of whitecaps, and the waves were huge. The waves were so loud as they crashed over the rocky shore right outside our cabin windows. It’s exciting to witness the rough seas of Gitchi-Gami (Ojibwe for “the big lake”).

Rough seas.

It’s fun to sit back and watch the tumultuous weather from inside the cozy, pine-sided cabin with the gas fireplace lit, looking out through large windows so close to the water’s edge, watching the drama of the waves unfold. The gulls are nowhere to be seen and the trees sway in the wind and the waves tumble to shore.

The waves look so small here…

We’ve experienced a storm on Lake Superior only a couple of times and we’re happy to see it, but we’re glad to have the safety and comforts of the cabin.

A corner of the cozy cabin.


Isaiah 25: 4 God, “You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.”

10 thoughts on “Gray Skies and Huge Waves”

  1. Oh Valerie, we have been by the North Shore in weather like that. The sight and sounds of the waves are so memorable when experienced from the inside of a warm and cozy cabin near the shore. Your wonderful description brought back such good memories.

    1. It is a great experience, isn’t it? I know you have great memories of the wonderful north shore too!

  2. I love the sound of the crashing waves as well! What a privilege to experience it and to be warm and safe at the same time!

  3. Thanks for the photo… I too love big crashing waves! And the warmth of a cozy fireplace. aaahhh, such simple delight.

  4. Your words were so eloquent in describing the lake. I could feel the experience, too, through your words and photos!

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