
My name is Valerie. I am a native of Minnesota. I am happily married and have two adult sons. One son and daughter-in-love live in Minnesota. The other son and daughter-in-love, who have two young children, live in Africa…so that means my grand-children live 9,179 miles away from me. It is hard.


I am a beloved child of God. I love being outdoors in God’s creation. I love adventure of all kinds…new ideas, new places, new ventures…and this is one of them…writing my thoughts and tales on a blog spot. (Moved from another site.)

My intention for this blog is not to write everyday, and my focus is very broad…  I want to write about what I’m thinking and experiencing. I’ve had some frustrating moments setting up this new blog site…I was doing fairly well  on another site but I  decided to switch sites so I keep telling myself it’s OK –  I’m  developing new brain cells.

It’s a work in progress. I’m a work in progress.