I always enjoy setting a pretty table, and decorating for a gathering. Recently I was getting ready for one such gathering. As I was ironing a white, square tablecloth with Hardanger hand-stitching around the edges. I wondered who made it, and how many tables it has graced. If only tablecloths could talk.

I inherited this beautiful tablecloth from my Auntie Ag…and I’m sure she got it from a relative in the Hardanger area of Norway, who hand-stitched the pattern. There are so many relatives over there who can knit, stitch and sew, but Aggie is gone now, and I have no one to ask.
I don’t normally iron tablecloths, but sometimes one must. I wanted to use this white tablecloth for a book shower I was giving. Even though it wasn’t the right size, I made it work. As I was ironing it, I found a couple of light stains. I didn’t mind. It tells me it has been used, and loved.

I have had a red tablecloth for many years – it’s “wash and wear” – no iron, and it’s been used on many occasions, especially around Christmas time, and Valentine’s Day. It has many stories to tell.

Our dining room table has four leaves, so it can extend out to seat twelve comfortably. I have two celery green tablecloths…one to fit the extended table, and another smaller one. I bought them almost 30 years ago when we bought our dining room table… they have stories to tell too. Mostly of dinner parties, which I enjoy hosting.

I have a few other tablecloths in my small collection, and many pieces of colorful African fabric that I either bought in Africa, or my daughter-in-law has given me. I used them occasionally for tablecloths. They are dramatic colors and patterns and add a festive touch.

My limited collection of tablecloths includes two plastic ones that I bought when the grandchildren came along, so we could cover the table when we worked on crafts.
Tablecloths do have histories…if only they could talk.
I have never thought about the tablecloths having stories to tell, but it’s so true😃 I have a lot of tablecloths, Hardanger stitches made by my grandmother and different ones that my mom made both christmascloths
and ones with flowers and laces and some that Gunhild has made. I do not use them so often, but I want to keep them anyway and now I will think of what stories they can tell🥰
Kari, I’m wondering if Gunhild made the white tablecloth for Aggie?
I wouldn’t be surprised.
Next time I’m in Norway I want to see your tablecloths! 😉
Could be that Gunhild made it or maybe Sella made it, Johannes’s wife?
Could also be some of Elisabeth’s family?
Yes we will look at all my very nice tablecloths next time you come🇳🇴👍🤩
I can’t wait! 😉