It’s Cold Outside

We woke up to -27.4* (F) today, that’s -33* Celsius. We’re looking at both measurements right now because our daughter-in-love is use to celsius readings.

I remember one other time in the 80’s when temperatures dipped this low…I took a picture of a mercury thermometer that was hanging on our deck outside, instead of the current indoor, digital thermometer recording the temperatures outside we use now. Unfortunately, I cannot find the photo.

2 thoughts on “It’s Cold Outside”

  1. Dang, this cold spell is nasty. We have been so cold with our furnace out. But, thank the Lord, today the guys came and put in a new furnace. It is so wonderful to be warm again! So very grateful to those two hard workers who made that happen!

    1. I can’t imagine how you did it in sub zero temperatures Sheri. So thankful you have heat again.

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