Lake Superior – Here We Come

As we head up to my one of my all time favorite places I will re-post the psalm I wrote a few years ago. We typically rent a cabin in September and I consider it  my “new year” since it is a relaxing, renewing and “reviewing” time for me…looking back on the past year and looking forward to the coming year.     Click here to read my post on Anticipation from September 2016.

Lake Superior Psalm

The Lord is my Shepherd

I shall thank him.

He allows me to be on the shores of Lake Superior

And hear the calming waves.

He restores my soul.

He guides me on trails of the Superior National Forest

And leads me along the rocky shores.

Even when the waves are rough – even when the lake is calm,

I am content to being near the water.

And the Lord is with me;

His creation and His majesty, they comfort me.

He anoints me with many blessings

My cup overflows and I am grateful.

Surely I will praise him and follow him

All the days of my life,

I‘m grateful to dwell in His presence

On the shores of Lake Superior.

4 thoughts on “Lake Superior – Here We Come”

  1. Valerie, that was very beautiful. I could not get to your other Sept 2016 entry, but you reworded Psalm was beautiful.

    Have a wonderful time while you are away, and come back renewed, my friend!

    1. Thanks Sheri. I did discover the link didn’t work…will try to correct it now that we are up here and looking out on the rough waves…so exciting!

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