Last week I thought to myself, I sure would like to see some blooming flowers…where can I go in Minnesota this time of year? Como Park Conservatory came to mind.

We have gone to the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory in previous winters, to catch a glimpse of colorful flowers, and be surrounded by greenery and warm, moist air. The sunken garden is always a bright and beautiful.

It is a lovely oasis in Minnesota’s winters.

I checked the website and discovered an annual orchid show was happening, during St. Paul’s winter carnival. I talked to a woman over the phone and she said it’s a great exhibit, but warned me it does get crowded. I bought tickets anyways…

We did get in to see the beautiful orchids even though we had to wait in long lines. It was not what I had planned when I first thought of the idea, but it was an enjoyable change in plans.

I can’t begin to name all the different types of orchids there are. It was enough to drink in all their beauty.

We saw many incredibly beautiful and interesting and unique orchids…in all different shapes and sizes and colors.

It was hard to discern which photos to post. As it is hard to pick a favorite orchid.

“Consider how the flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” Luke 12:27
Thanks for this glimpse of spring on this frigid Minnesota morning. But, hey, the sun is shining. I haven’t been to the conservatory in several years. When our eldest lived in Roseville, it was conveniently close.
The sunshine makes a huge difference!
I do like the conservatory…it is a bit farther away, but still worth the drive occassionally.
The Conservatory is one of my very favorite places to go in the winter! Your photography is outstanding! The delicacy of the orchids is what makes them so beautiful.
Thank you Shirley.
The Conservatory is a wonderful place to spend time in the cold MN winters.
What a lovely reminder of the beauty our planet produces! Your photos are wonderful, and I was so excited, then, to think of the coming of spring!
Ah, yes, spring of many colors. Can’t wait.
Ah, God the Creator, showing up in the icy winter! Beautiful!
Beautiful Savior, beautiful creation. 😉