Continuing my series on memorable hikes…
My husband and I and our oldest son took a trip to visit our youngest son living in Mozambique Africa. This was our first trip to Africa and we were very excited to see where our son, Tim, lived, to wander around in his current surroundings, and meet the people in his life. Also, all four of us went on a safari in South Africa. We had a great experience and created many memories. This is one of the memorable hikes we took in Africa: a hike in Ulongué, Mozambique.

Ulongué is the village where my son lived. We were eager to see Tim’s small, four-room house, with an outhouse in the back and a water well, and banana tree in the front. When we arrived, near dark, Tim’s friend had made sure the dirt in his front yard had been swept so Tim’s house would look welcoming for us when we arrived (which I found endearing).
One day we decided to hike to the market on the other side of the village of Ulongué, about an hour walk from his house. We walked on dirt paths through neighborhoods filled with children. We took pictures of the children playing and they excitedly ran up to us to see their pictures on our digital cameras. As we walked through streets people watched us curiously.

We were hiking to the permanent, outdoor market with multiple stands selling a variety of wares along with many produce stands. I bought several colorful fabric pieces. My husband was intrigued by the bicycle shop.

When we finished shopping Tim led us on a longer trek outside of town, on a footpath behind the village, to return to his house. The terrain was picturesque: beautiful, open countryside. As we walked back into town we passed several folks drying maize in the hot sun on blankets.

We enjoyed walking two different routes to and from the market, and managed to take a family photo along the footpath behind the village.

I love seeing these events of your life recaptured!
Thanks. It’s been a lot of fun recapping them.
Your spirit of adventure amazes me. Was your son in the Peace Corps in Africa or there for some other reason?
I do love adventure, and I’m glad my husband and sons do too!
Tim has been in Africa on and off for over 10 years. He studied in Ghana for a semester in college, did his internship for college in Zambia, and has lived in four different locations in Mozambique. He started working in Africa with a church organization helping with a HIV/AIDS program and now has a job with an NGO in public health work. His degree was in International Development.
Who needs to travel. I just relive your adventures through your blog. Wonderful.
I’m happy you enjoy reading about the adventures. Thank you.