10 thoughts on “My Lilies”

  1. Your lillies looks beautiful, they are realy rich-blooming😃
    Seems like your garden looked fine when you got back from Norway😃

    1. Yes, I’d like the lilies to last longer too…

      Blueberry picking is fun, especially when the bushes are lush and full and it doesn’t take long to get a lot of berries.

  2. Where is Little Hills Blueberry Farm located? Your Lillie’s are spectacular! The Star Gazers have always been a favorite of mine. Your green thumb continues its magic!

    1. Little Hill Blueberry Farm is just north of Northfield…off Hwy 3.
      You’d enjoy it.
      My favorite is Star Gazers.

  3. Valerie, you are invited to come over and take some photos of my flowers. I have a friend in San Diego who just made a couple of cards for me from photos. I would love it if you would photograph some of mine to make into cards! ! !

  4. The lilies are beautiful! Your flowers always grow so wonderfully. You are a great gardener!

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