Two Friends

McKinley Street House 1982
McKinley Street House 1982

My dad was a carpenter and built our house in a “brand new neighborhood” in Northeast Minneapolis in 1953, the year I was born. Everyone in the neighborhood was new to the area and many lifelong friendships were formed. My mother and Diane’s mother (my recycle birthday card friend) was one of them.  I wrote this poem when Darlene died in 2013. My mom died in 2009.

Two Friends

Back in the Fifties

When life was pretty good

In Northeast Minneapolis

Up sprang a new neighborhood.


Children gathered daily

Going outside to play

Fathers off to work

Moms at home to stay.


Friendships were forming

Because everyone was new

Some lasting fifty years or more

Wow – who knew???


Two special families

Lived across the street

Two special women

Destined to meet.


Raising up  their children

Having driveway coffee breaks

Always checking on each other

Vacationing to many lakes.


Their daughters grew up

Becoming lasting friends

Sharing McKinley Street stories

No more playing pretend.


Marriages, then grand-kids

Time kept marching on

But playing Bridge and having lunch

Kept their friendship strong.


Four years ago God took the first

And now He’s taken the other

But memories will linger on

Loving memories of our mothers.

September 2013

All Saint’s Day

Sunday’s sermon was about saints in the Bible that have gone before us, then we had an opportunity to light a candle for the saints and loved ones that have gone before us in our own lives. Pastor Abe reminded us that the saints were not perfect people and that the Bible is full of stories of imperfect people being used by God. He reminded us that God is faithful, he doesn’t give up, and he is in the business of redemption.

I lite a candle for both my parents and a very special aunt. Here is a poem I wrote about my mother shortly after she died in 2009. My father died in 1974 when I was 20 years old. I am saddened for the missed opportunity of getting to know him as an adult. I have not written a poem for my dad…maybe someday I will. He was a kind man.ruby

Ruby Red 

Red was her color

Ruby was her name

Never much recognition

Never much fame.

But she was a faithful mother,

A grandmother, a friend

Loved and cared by many

Generous to the end.

She surrounded herself with beauty

Both natural and man made

She had a green thumb for growing,

An eye for things that stayed.

From the house on McKinley

To the apartment at Meadowbrook

She kept her place beautiful

It was always fun to look.

Her fun sense of adventure

Took her on many fine trips

And hours of playing bridge

Kept her mind sharp and crisp.

Being with family and friends

Made her most content

She found joy in remembering

Those times were well spent.

So here’s to Ruby

Whose color was red

God blessed her life to 86

An active life she led.

March 2009






Delightful Day Drive

img_4727One lovely fall day we took the scenic drive down the Mississippi River along the Minnesota side and crossed over the river in Winona and headed north on the Wisconsin side. We stopped at the overlook in Alma and hiked in a park there. Next we stopped at Danzinger Vineyards and sipped ginger beer while sitting outside in the fall sunshine, overlooking the beautiful river valley, listening to live music playing in the background. We continued up the road north to Nelson’s Creamery  where we ordered Rueben and Hot Ruby Sandwiches. An ice cream cone was the grand finale of all the good treats we had that day.  The drive back during sunset was an added bonus to a wonderful time…trying to get snap shots of it all. img_4734img_4735img_4744fullsizerender-44

A New Day

img_4779This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

This morning I took a leisurely walk around the ponds in our neighborhood, which we affectionately call Pond One, Pond Two and Pond Three. I just finished my busiest week of the year for my job and it feels good to be done and move on. Canadian Geese are still hanging around Ponds Two and Three. The beauty of fall still lingering, the calm scene of geese floating on the water, their loud honking, the fresh air and exercise – it’s all very good.

Renewed Again


Vibrant  colors on the trees: red, yellow, orange, lime green, with the deep blue October sky as the backdrop. Leaves gently fall, creating a mosaic carpet to walk upon.

Creation calling me to experience its beauty.

Once again I am grateful for eyes to see, ears to hear, and the sense of smell and touch and taste.

The earth is preparing to rest, but will be renewed again.  I trust the same is true for me.

October 2004

2 Corinthians 4:16 That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.    (NLT)





Art and Nature

On our way to Big Woods State Park (Nerstrand) Saturday night we stopped at Frederick Somers Studio and Gallery along the way. It was part of the 2016 South Central Minnesota  Studio Art Tour.

The artist, Fred Somers, along with his wife, warmly welcomed us. We were mesmerized while looking at his beautiful painted landscapes with brilliant color and lighting. He also paints portraits. There was a portrait of his grandson in the studio and the way he painted the light in the blond hair was stunning. How does he do that? He definitely has a special gift from God.

We arrived at the studio a half hour before closing and we were the only ones in the studio when he started sharing his faith journey with us. It is an amazing story and was a privilege to hear it from him. It was a precious time together and when we were leaving he shook our hands, not so much as to say thanks for stopping, but, as he said, he wanted touch each fellow believer before we left. We left there in awe of this artist, his story and his paintings.

The rest of the evening…a short hike, and great bonfire under the full Harvest Moon at Nerstrand (without jackets because of the mild temperatures for mid-October)… made for a lovely evening. One we soon won’t forget.

Click here for a link to his website.

Canadian Geese

The three ponds in our neighborhood attract Canadian Geese, especially this time of year, and geese have been flying over our house many times today.  I was out in the garden this morning for a couple of “fly overs”.  The windows are open so even in the house I have heard  them honking while flying over. It’s a wonderful sound! Loud too!


A Very Special Birthday Card

envelope-clipart-cliparti1_envelope-clip-art_05I sent a card off in the mail this week. I went to the post office to get it stamped and the clerk warned me it would cost extra because it was so thick. I responded it’s OK, I expected that. Then I told him it is a birthday card that I send to my childhood friend and we’ve been sending it back and forth to each other since 1979. That’s 37 years! It began during the push for recycling and the card suggested we save it and send it back to the recipient on her birthday the following year. So we did. We keep adding cardstock for room to write our birthday greetings, thus its thickness.

One year it fell out of her mail box on to the street and vehicles ran over it before she was able to retrieve it. Some of the writing is smeared  but most of it is intact.

It’s very special, she’s very special, and we have lots of happy memories together, growing up living across the street from each other.

Happy Birthday Diane.

A Walk in the City

A portion of the route for Twin Cities Marathon
A portion of the route for Twin Cities Marathon

There is a different kind of energy that comes from walking in the city.

I like to hike or walk in parks and enjoy the quietness of the woods, and I like walking in our quiet neighborhoods in my small town but, over the weekend, I went for a walk in the city.

I really enjoyed walking around Lake Harriet on Saturday. It was another fabulous fall day in Minnesota with beautiful sunshine and blue skies with great wisps of white clouds. There were so many people enjoying the great outdoors. It was festive and energizing. There were young and old folks, biking or walking or running, pushing a stroller or wheelchair, or walking a dog/s.

The most unusual, but heartwarming sight, was two runners coming in our direction. They were running side by side but one was clearly leading the other. They wore fluorescent vests. One vest identified a runner assistant, or something on that order, and the other vest identified the runner as a blind runner, with assistant.

I don’t know if they were training for the marathon that was coming up the following day but it was a touching moment to know someone was taking time to help a blind person run. My heart was so happy to see this duo. I didn’t know this kind of service existed, but am glad to know it does.

Sunday was another beautiful day for thousands of runners in the Twin Cities marathon…
