My dad was a carpenter and built our house in a “brand new neighborhood” in Northeast Minneapolis in 1953, the year I was born. Everyone in the neighborhood was new to the area and many lifelong friendships were formed. My mother and Diane’s mother (my recycle birthday card friend) was one of them. I wrote this poem when Darlene died in 2013. My mom died in 2009.
Two Friends
Back in the Fifties
When life was pretty good
In Northeast Minneapolis
Up sprang a new neighborhood.
Children gathered daily
Going outside to play
Fathers off to work
Moms at home to stay.
Friendships were forming
Because everyone was new
Some lasting fifty years or more
Wow – who knew???
Two special families
Lived across the street
Two special women
Destined to meet.
Raising up their children
Having driveway coffee breaks
Always checking on each other
Vacationing to many lakes.
Their daughters grew up
Becoming lasting friends
Sharing McKinley Street stories
No more playing pretend.
Marriages, then grand-kids
Time kept marching on
But playing Bridge and having lunch
Kept their friendship strong.
Four years ago God took the first
And now He’s taken the other
But memories will linger on
Loving memories of our mothers.
September 2013