The cabin faces east on the north shore of Lake Superior therefore we see sunrises…I set my alarm so I don’t miss them. I have captured many pictures of beautiful sunrises that are so varied…just like the moods of the lake.
About this time of year I get so excited thinking about our annual trek up to the “north shore.” For the past 31 years we have been going up north in September (except a few years when the boys were in sports and we had to go in August.) The shores of Lake Superior is one of my favorite places to be and I always look forward to our time at a cabin we rent right on the waters edge.
We started out looking for a cabin in 1985 (if only we had bought our own place back then!) wanting to find a cabin we‘d want to return to each year. We found a quaint 1940’s era cabin at Surfside Resort, a family- run business. We loved the cute little cabin #6 (with a seagull we named Mingo – he had one leg and hung out at the cabin for a couple of years.) The small Cabin #6 was just right for our family and we have so many wonderful memories of our times there.
Then a big business came along and bought out the small business and built lovely, but expensive, condominiums that we couldn’t afford. So we found a different cabin to call home for the brief amount of time we get to stay there each year.
Going up to the north shore of Lake Superior has become my “new year.” Instead of making resolutions on New Year’s Eve I take time up north to think about the previous year, look ahead to the next year and contemplate what life is all about for me right now in this fall season. I sit on the rocks with the large lake in front of me surrounded by stunning beauty and just sit…and think…and write…and read. The whole natural surroundings are a great place for reflecting, refreshing, refocusing and rejuvenating.
So I will print out our packing list, make the chili and wild rice soup, gather the throws, coffee and books, collect the hiking and biking gear and anticipate another wonderful year up at the cabin on Lake Superior!
Mother Teresa has been declared a saint in a canonization Mass held by Pope Francis in the Vatican ~ now she is to be called Saint Teresa of Kolkata.
The inspiring words below are attributed to Mother Teresa. (Apparently the words are based on a composition originally by Kent Keith) See both versions here.
“Do It Anyway”
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
My sons were 7 and 5 when Jacob Wetterling was abducted back in 1989. It was a scary story for any mother who heard about a child abduction in a small town in Minnesota. After 27 years we finally have answers to the questions that have always been in the back of our minds… and in the front of the Wetterling’s every day. Sigh.
Patty Wetterling has always conducted herself with such grace. I pray for peace and comfort for the Wetterling family. The search is over, the grieving and healing begins.
As I head back to work full-time this week it feels a little like fall is in the air and I reflect back over the past few months that went by so quickly. It’s been a great summer, full of fun travel and activities and I am blessed to have had the time off to enjoy them.
I don’t have to worry about changing my alarm and getting up earlier though. My favorite part of any day is mornings and I set my alarm for 6 (ok, sometimes 6:30 in the summer) and drink my coffee and write, think, and pray. The hardest part of going to work is that time is cut short.
But I like my job and the place I work and the people I work with so I gear up for it in my mind and then when I walk back into the office, I’m ready to be there.
I was very excited to see the production of Moses at the Sight & Sound Theatre in Branson, Missouri where we were vacationing last week. Having seen previous shows at Sight & Sound we knew we were in for a very special evening. It was a wonderful production telling the biblical story of Moses.
That is what the Sight & Sound Theatres do…bring Bible stories to life on stage – using amazing set designs, props, costumes, actors and actresses, live animals and music. The huge stage, and aisles, are filled with creativity on all levels leaving the audience in awe and wondering how they do it!
From the Moses program; “Staging such a huge story drove our creative production team to new levels of innovation…”
“Digital tools streamlined our process, but we also spent countless hours handcrafting every element…50 set pieces, 12 carts, 9 miles of fabric…”
“Each member of our team embraced this venture one task at a time – brick by brick- until the extraordinary setting of the Exodus came to life in Lancaster County, PA, in 2014. And now, after shipping the show across the county on 48 tractor-trailer trucks…(Moses is) here in Branson!”
A fun fact about Sight & Sound for us is that my husband, while growing up in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, went to church with the founder of Sight and Sound, Glenn Eshelman. Gary knew his family well and remembers going to his studio with his family for portraits long before the first slide show began in 1976. I remember going to Pennsylvania in the early years of our marriage and seeing the slide show set to music entitled A Land Of Our Own, not knowing then it was the beginning of a great success story with two live- production theaters today. They are celebrating their 40th anniversary: 1976 ~ 2016.
My husband and I have seen nearly all the plays, mostly in the Lancaster County, Pennsylvania theater.
Moses did not disappoint. It is an epic story and it came to life at the Sight and Sound Theatre in Branson, Missouri and is worth seeing.
Click here to view their website.
Mine are living in Mozambique, Africa… 9,179 miles away. We’re thankful for Skype.
The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum is a beautiful outdoor space: 1,200 acres of gardens and tree collections, prairie and woods in Chaska, MN. I was there earlier this spring with my friend from IN, when the peonies and the iris’ were in bloom. Oh my, so many varieties and spectacular colors!
Last week my husband and I went again and there were different plants blooming and thriving for this time of year, including roses…and there were Big Bugs! We didn’t know the exhibit was scheduled but we did enjoy looking for the big wooden bugs which brought visitors to all different areas of the arb. The sculpture artist is David Rogers.
Click here to learn more about him and his exhibit.
The Great Blue Heron is a majestic bird and I always get a thrill when I see one. On my “regular route” through my neighborhood I walk by three ponds and love to see the geese and ducks and now am disappointed if I don’t see the Great Blue Heron since it has been around a lot this summer. It’s always a joy to see any kind of birds or water fowl – I greet them, thank God for them, and try to get photos!