Pay It Forward

We had a trumpet for sale…we advertised it locally and got one response. We made arrangements for the interested party to see it. He stopped by and said he doesn’t play the trumpet…he was buying the trumpet to give away… to pay it forward. He explained, when his two girls were younger they were each given an instrument by someone wanting to help out his young family. He told himself he would pay it forward someday…and this was that day. He handed us crisp $20 bills, more than the asking price, and walked out the door.

We were surprised, but inspired.

6 thoughts on “Pay It Forward”

  1. Thank you for sharing this act of kindness, of paying it forward. Reading stories like this is uplifting and gives me a renewed hope in the goodness of humanity.

    Several years ago a college student from Faribault started a program of collecting unused instruments to give to those who could not afford them. I have no idea if it’s still in place, but probably not since she is long graduated. What a great idea, though.

    1. It was a great experience.

      The idea of collecting and giving instruments to those who can’t afford them is a wonderful idea. Music is such an important part of life, and learning to play an instrument is valuable.

    1. I love that the story continues…I’m excited for the child who receives the trumpet.

  2. I so love the Pay it Forward concept! Such goodness in the world is heartening!

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