Rime Ice

Over the weekend we got 8-10″ of fresh snow. It was a nice clean blanket covering the ground, although a lot of plowing had to be done.

Then, the morning after, came rime ice (a new term for me…it’s thicker than a hoar frost) covering every single branch with ice crystals. It was breathtaking!

I knew pictures would not do it justice but I couldn’t stop myself from taking a few anyways…

Stunning beauty, everywhere.
Into the woods, a favorite spot of mine in Riverbend Nature Center.
Looking up…every branch covered.
The trees were like flocked Christmas trees, along the roadway.
Straight River flowing through Riverbend Nature Center.
Rime Ice – a new term for me – it’s thicker than hoar frost.

Psalm 148: 7-9

Praise the Lord from the earth,
    you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
    stormy winds that do his bidding,
you mountains and all hills,
    fruit trees and all cedars…

10 thoughts on “Rime Ice”

  1. I am also so amazed at the beauty of rime ice or hoar frost. I’m disappointed when it leaves so quickly.

    1. You’re welcome.
      Obviously we were in Faribault…I think it was even thicker there than in Northfield.

  2. Lordy, God is the ultimate artist! Hoar frost (or rime ice, which I have never heard of it either) is so exquisitely beautiful! What beautiful photos you shared. I loved seeing them.

  3. My granddaughter yelled, “Mom, Mom, Mom!”
    “What Nova, I’m in the shower!”
    “There’s Jack Frost everywhere! It’s so beautiful!”

    It’s fantastic when 4-year-olds celebrate beauty and God’s handiwork!

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