Road Trips

We are getting into our packed Subaru early Sunday morning and heading to Indiana. That will be our first stop on a two week, 3,000 mile road trip to Quebec, Canada. I love road trips. Or at least I used to. We went on many long road trips when our boys were young, to national parks to camp and hike. We have many wonderful memories of those vacations. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on a road trip however and times have changed…we didn’t have GPS systems, cell phones or even email, and certainly not Facebook and we didn’t listen to books on tape (nor were there movie screens built into our van!) Now we have all of these, and more, available to us and it will be interesting to see how it changes our road trips. Of course we won’t have the boys with us. HA!

I anticipate my favorite part, the early mornings; getting coffee to go and driving along the empty roads in the early morning light as dawn breaks. We will have a picnic lunch at some wayside rest along the way and stop driving for the day in late afternoon. We will stay with friends and family on our way to Quebec and on the way home we loaded our tent underneath the luggage and hope to find some nice campgrounds.

I love to travel by road, air or train. Anticipation is a big part of traveling. It’s so fun to think about the destination and possibilities, and then actually see new places, meet new people and learn about other cultures.

Normally I try to leave technology behind on vacations, which is getting harder to do, but I may post a few times while we are traveling since we do have the technology.

Until next time a few travel quotes:

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless then turns you into a storyteller.” Unknown

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” Henry Miller

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”  Anita Desai

“When was the last time you did something for the first time?” Unknown