Ruby Red

Today was my mother’s birthday. She would have been 96 years old. She died 10 years ago, in March 2009.

I’m not sure the date of this photo, but I like it.
I noticed she has a flower in her hair.

I wrote this note to her for her birthday in 1997.

Dear Mom,

You are a very special person and you are my mother. Thank you for the gift of life. My life has been blessed in many ways and you have stood up for me many times along the way. I know you have always wanted what was best for me. It’s nice to have come from a stable home. 
You have been through many hard times, losing your mom at a young age, losing a baby and then losing your husband at age 50. I’m sure you have suffered more than we know. You have become very strong through it all and have taught me to be strong.
You have always been surrounded by many friends and that’s a blessing. Thanks for modeling the importance of friendships.
was proud of the house on McKinley Street. It was special knowing dad built it. You always kept it looking beautiful, as you did your townhouse and your apartment in the retirement center. You are great at keeping your house in order. I know I picked up your organizational skills. You are also a good cook. I don’t think I picked up that skill. I wish I could make a roast like you do.
have pleasant memories of our driving and camping vacations and the great times up at the trailer on Farm Island Lake. Thank you for those opportunities to enjoy God’s creation.
         love God’s ideas of families and always enjoyed the Christmas Eve and Easter celebrations with the extended family. I am glad to have shared them with my cousins and grandparents. Thank you for participating in those get -togethers. 
You’ve been a grandgrandmother. Thanks for loving and caring for our children and being so very supportive of them. 

Happy Birthday Mom. I love you.
Ruby Red

I wrote this poem after she died in March 2009.

Red was her color
Ruby was her name
Never much recognition
Never much fame
But she was a faithful mother,
A grandmother, a friend
Loved and cared by many 
Generous to the end.
She surrounded herself with beauty
Both natural and man made
She had a green thumb for growing,
An eye for things that stayed.
From the house on McKinley
To the apartment at Meadowbrook
She kept her place beautiful 
It was always fun to look.
Her fun sense of adventure 
Took her on many fine trips
And hours of playing bridge
Kept her mind sharp and crisp.
Being with family and friends
Made her most content
She had much joy in remembering
Those times were well spent.
So here’s to Ruby
Whose color was red
God blessed her life to 86
An active life she led.


14 thoughts on “Ruby Red”

  1. Beautiful tribute to your mom. She was a great lady and you display so many of her best traits!

    1. Thank you Vicki. I remember your help with one of her parties…was it her retirement?
      So glad you met her.

  2. You have gleaned her beauty as well as her strengths! It was a pleasure to meet her and see the strength of your roots!

  3. Such an elegant photograph… we don’t seem to be able to do those anymore. Lovely words of appreciation and love… I believe those will keep coming in your family!

    1. The photograph is my favorite…and elegant is a great descriptor.
      Thanks for your encouragment.

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