
Enjoy the Summer Solstice… today… June 21, 2019.

“On this day the length of time with sunlight is the longest.”*

Sunrise over Lake Superior, 2016.

Here are some excerpts from, A Summer Blessing, from the book entitled The Circle of Life.*

Blessed are you, summer,
season of long days and short nights,
you pour forth light from your golden orb,
energizing the earth and calling forth growth.
Blessed are you, summer,
with your generous gift of heat.
Your warm breath animates creation,
encouraging all growing things to stretch towards the sun.
Blessed are you, summer,
you call us into playfulness,
encouraging us to pause from work.
You renew our spirits.
Blessed are you, sacrament of summer, 
natures’ green season, sweet echo of spring.
You speak to us in living color as you renew the earth 
with symbols of life for our bodies and souls.
Blessed are you, summer,
with your firefly evenings
you minister to the child in us.
You feed our hunger for beauty.

The Circle of Life by Joyce Rupp & Macrina Wiederkehr

4 thoughts on “Summertime”

  1. I love this poem and hope to find the whole piece very soon!
    Thanks so much for sharing it!

    1. I do have the rest of the poem, I just can’t publish it all without permission. I’m glad you liked what you read. 😉

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