
It really is fun to be surprised, when you truly are surprised.

M&A HouseA week ago my son and his wife invited us to a picnic in a wonderful neighborhood park in the cities. They suggested we go for a walk before we eat and so we did. I mentioned to my husband on the way up that I love the charming houses in this neighborhood so it was fun to stroll along the tree shaded sidewalks to get a closer look. Right on cue (little did I know) I said, “I love these charming houses, wouldn’t it be fun tour the inside of them?” and they said, “Yes, let’s go in this one.”

I was confused but then realized the house was theirs! They had bought the house and had already moved in three days before. It truly was a surprise. We were all excited and it was great to go inside this lovely house.

My older son surprised me one other time…on a special birthday a few years ago. He invited me to go to London with him on a mother/son trip. I loved the idea and we made plans. After flying first class, we arrived in London and taxied to the hotel. Later we learned the tube was so much easier and cheaper! We took a train out of London the first day to spend time walking around Oxford, because my son studied there for one semester back in college. The next day we were going to stay in London and I was in for a surprise. We ate breakfast at the hotel. I had a traditional English breakfast and my son had a bowl of muesli. When he went up for a second bowl I just got another cup of coffee while he ate. Then he went up for a third bowl but I didn’t think anything of it…just that he was hungry and we were not in any hurry. And then my younger son walks up to our table! Surprise! I could hardly believe my eyes. I cried. My older son had arranged for his younger brother to join us from Africa. He flew him from Mozambique to England to surprise me! They did!!!  What a wonderful gift…to be together in a cosmopolitan city with my two sons. I have no words to describe the feelings of excitement, pride and love I felt. And my husband had graciously kept the secret and helped the guys with their plan. It was the best birthday ever.