I went through another fun box while decluttering…my Barbie and Ken dolls …I have two original dolls from the 1950’s.

I can’t remember when I first got my Barbie and Ken dolls, but I do remember spending time playing with them. It was fun to change out the outfits and set up a house for them with cardboard furniture, back in the late 1950’s.

At that time, if you wanted Barbie to be a nurse you put on her nurse uniform and nurse cap. Back then, you had to change her outfit for a specific activity, these days you just buy a different Barbie!

In July I took out my old Barbie and Ken dolls, in the original black carrying case, with all their paraphernalia, and let our oldest granddaughter play with them. She found a cardboard box and cut out doors to make a house for Barbie and Ken, just like I used to do, and played quietly in the corner.

In decluttering our grandchildren’s play area, I gathered up the box and the carrying case and decided to organize it, to get Barbie and Ken ready to move. I had fun going through the many dresses and outfits I had for Barbie (not so many for Ken, but a few).

The accessories are amazing too…I had three pairs of shoes for Ken, and four pairs for Barbie, plus a pair of slippers! Not bad having matching pairs after all these years.

There were knitted sweaters with matching hats, undies(!), sun glasses, swimsuits, purses, luggage, and cardboard furniture.

I remember having more cardboard furniture, but I’m not surprised there are only a few pieces left.

After thoroughly enjoying examining each outfit, I dressed Barbie and Ken and strapped them into their carrying case. I hung the clothes on the rack in the carrying case, using all the cute, miniature hangers I had. I tucked the rest of the clothes into the case, adding the cardboard furniture, then latched the box.

I enjoyed my playtime with Barbie. She and Ken are all ready to move again, tagging along with me as they have over the past 60-plus years.