Recently, in my writing session, I learned about a new (to me) writing pattern… syllables crescendo up and then decrescendo back down. In my poem that follows, I started with two syllables in the first line, and worked up to seven syllables, then repeated seven, and worked back down to two.

The prompt: Describe a day in the life of your childhood.
Get up. Eat breakfast. Do a few chores. Go outside and play. The neighborhood gang waits. Play until it’s time for lunch, then go out to play some more. Go inside for supper. Go out until dusk. Then in, once more Go to bed. Repeat.
Obviously, this is exaggerated, but I do look back with fondness and gratefulness for my childhood. Which was so very different than my husband’s, who grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania. His was a happy childhood, too.