Billy Graham

Billy Graham 1918 – 2018

I saw this image on a billboard today. After hearing the sad news of Billy Graham’s death this morning, I was surprised to see this billboard already on display along 35W a few hours later.

Billy Graham was 99 years old. Today the world mourns his passing, yet celebrates the amazing life of this good and faithful servant of God. He was a powerful man of prayer, and a man of positive influence. He touched the lives of so many people around the world.

Here is a link to the official obituary for Billy Graham.

In 8th grade my church youth group went to see the movie The Restless Ones, a Billy Graham movie. After the movie I went up to talk to a counselor, but half way there I got nervous and turned around. Years later, when Billy Graham came to Minneapolis in 1996, I went through counselor training for the Minneapolis Crusades so I was available for others if anyone wanted to talk after Billy Graham spoke. What an interesting twist.

My own two sons, and their youth group at the time, went to hear the evangelist. Afterwards kids were running to the bus when my youngest son accidentally ran into a fender and cut open his leg. We wrapped it, got on the bus, and kept his spirits up while we drove back to Northfield Hospital’s emergency room. He had several stitches that left a scar on his leg for many years.

I think I will always remember where I was when I heard the news about Billy Graham’s death; just as I remember where I was when JFK was shot, or when the planes flew into the Twin Towers in NYC on 911.