Valley Grove in Winter

After several days of snow and clouds, the sun broke through and the bright, blue sky revealed itself and changed our already awesome winter scenes into breathtaking sights. 

One of my new favorite photos of the Valley Grove churches in winter.

We grabbed our snowshoes and drove out to Valley Grove to tromp around the beautiful landscape. We enjoy Valley Grove in every season. We especially like to hike and picnic there in the summer and fall. I also enjoy seeing these two charming, and picturesque historic churches. This is the peaceful place where Gary and I have bought a cemetery plot.

Blue sky, white snow.

The temperature this winter day was mild because the winds were calm. The landscape was pristine and untouched, except for one short path to a gravestone. I imagined that somebody may have lost their loved one close to this time of year to make the special effort to visit. The footprints in the snow sunk at least 20-24 inches, so it must have been a very difficult walk. Our snowshoes sunk about 6-8 inches, which is expected, and makes walking much easier.

A gnarly, oak tree in front – the prairie beyond.

We enjoyed snowshoeing the perimeter of the cemetery, making fresh tracks wherever we went. We made an effort not to disturb the smooth, undisturbed snow in the center of the churches and cemetery.

We didn’t make tracks in the cemetery.
Gary took this photo from the prairie.

We continued to snowshoe on the prairie a bit too, to marvel at the vastness of white snow covering the ground, and every stubble of grass. 

Every twig and blade of prairie grass was ladened with snow.

We missed the beloved Christmas eve service at the historic Valley Grove church this year because it was canceled due to subzero temperatures. But it’s warmed up, and it was fun to visit Valley Grove on this beautiful day in January.

This photo was taken in Nerstrand, on the way to Boots & Lu’s.

We stopped for a bowl of soup and a cup of hot chocolate at Boots & Lu’s, a coffee shop in Nerstrand, before heading home.

Boot’s & Lu’s

A new coffee shop opened up in the very small town of Nerstrand, Minnesota.

The new shop in town.

We watched it take shape over several months, anxiously awaiting its opening. It finally opened on October 6th. We were out of town, but we went there soon after we got back into town. 

A planter of tea cups…a clever, front entrance decoration.

The coffee/sandwich/ice cream shop is nicely decorated and full of natural light. A hall connects the coffee shop to the well-established Nerstrand Meats and Catering. 

Nice big windows.

We opted for ice cream when we stopped to check it out. 

A counter and tables and chairs for dining pleasure.

Amy was friendly and said business was good so far. I forgot to ask her where the name “Boots & Lu’s” came from.

Nicely appointed with fall decor.

We will go back. We are rooting for its success!

A wall of plates for decoration.