Father’s Day

Father’s day has been bittersweet for me since I was a young adult. My father died from an aneurysm when I was twenty – he was way too young. I still miss him and I wish my husband and sons could have met him.

My husband and our two sons, in Africa.

But when I had my own children, Father’s Day became a sweet celebration. It is special to celebrate my husband, who is a good, kind and loving father to our children.

Photo of our two sons when they were little boys.

And now, our two sons are fathers and we celebrate them!

Happy Father’s Day!



Sing praises to God and to his name!
    Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds.
His name is the Lord
    rejoice in his presence!

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—
    this is God, whose dwelling is holy.     Psalm 68: 4-5


Celebrating Life

I’ve felt much sadness from the news of the shooting in Las Vegas earlier this week. I think of all the parents grieving over their beloved children, no matter what age the children are. I believe God is grieving over this violent act too.

So I am ever more grateful to be able to give both my sons a hug this week. Our oldest son lives in the cities, our younger son lives in Mozambique, Africa but is here in Minnesota for a visit. I am grateful for these two wonderful, healthy, young men and their families.

We have had a nice visit with our youngest son, the father of two of our three grandchildren.

A walk in the woods.

We went for a hike and ate a picnic lunch at Nerstrand Big Woods State Park,

Tried new fire log…it worked.

and sat around a bonfire in our back yard under a full moon, along with sharing meals and stories together…and a little shopping for gifts to bring to his family back home.

He met his five-month old niece for the first time too. We are celebrating life!