We experienced some colorful adventures on our trip. One being in the “American Sign Museum” in Cincinnati, Ohio.

After seeing some neon sign pictures recently, I became intrigued. I wondered if there was a neon sign museum anywhere in the U.S. I searched the internet and found a few…the largest being The Museum of Neon Art in Glendale, California. There was also The National Sign Museum in The Dalles, Oregon, The Neon Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada, American Sign Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio and The Lost Highway Museum (a private collection in Washington).

I thought if our undetermined route takes us near Cincinnati, it might be possible to check out the American Sign Museum on our way home from our recent roadtrip…and we did. The museum is small (it’s hoping to expand) but it was full of fun signs (not all neon) and signage history.

We enjoyed our time looking at all the different types and styles of signs and we felt it was worth the stop. I would consider going to other sign museums, if there was an opportunity to do so.

I was impressed by all the figures neon signs could portray. They are truly works of art. Each one unique.

Color, color… wonderful, bright color.

Who knew it would be so interesting to see a collection of old signs, but it was!

It is great to know neon signs continue to be crafted.

Color, color… so much color. This was one of two colorful adventures on this trip. Stay tuned for another one.