Earthquakes and Fireworks

Bearutiful Santa Barbara: Ocean on one side, mountains on the other.

We were in southern California last week, with our son and his beautiful family, when a 6.4 and 7.1 earthquake hit, on two separate mornings. The significantly high-magnitude earthquakes happened over 100 miles from where we were staying. We didn’t feel any tremors from either one, but a lot of folks in our area did. It was interesting to find out about the earthquakes simply by hearing others talking about their experiences. I’m grateful there were no injuries, and we were safe.

A view of the rooftop pool area.

Another event of significance on our visit to southern California was the Independence Day fireworks.

We were able to witness some outstanding fireworks set off over the ocean beach, and we were able to watch them from the rooftop pool area of our hotel, one block away from the water. The rooftop area has incredible 360* views and it was a special place to ouuu and ahhh over the stunning display.

Lemon trees growing in pots…their fragrance is delightful.

Various flowers growing all over the waterfront area added additional color to our 4th of July trip to Santa Barbara. Here are a few photographs.