What do you do when it’s one of the coldest days of the year? Ring the bell for Salvation Army.

Our slotted time was scheduled long before we knew the freezing temperatures were moving into our area…-6 below with wind chills of -30’s.

Fortunately, the red bucket and stand were moved into the cart corral entry way at Family Fare foods where we stood, ringing bells. We were bundled up in boots and hats and mittens, warm jackets and scarfs, long johns and toe warmers, protected from the wind, but still cold!

Starbucks, located right inside the store, offered complimentary hot coffee or cocoa for the bell ringers. That was a nice jesture.

People were going in and out of the store constantly. I thought maybe the cold would keep people home but that was definitely not the case. Last-minute Christmas shoppers were out buying those last-minute dinner items.

We enjoyed our two-hour shift. It was fun to be out with others on this day before Christmas Eve. People were friendly, engaging and generous.