The Galleria’s spring flower show, Into The Deep, opened last week.

An annual flower exhibition is created every spring by Bachman’s, and it’s a delight to walk around indoors, and see all the beautiful and colorful representations of the theme, made with flowers.

This year’s theme, Into The Deep, included a great variety of sea floor images…

It’s easy to use your imagination while viewing these wonderful, artistic displays.

Hidden in the flowers are terrariums with tiny “mermaid gardens” inside a clear, acrylic globe. I liked this idea.

The challenge is to find all eight of them among the different scenes. I think mermaids are becoming as popular as fairies.

There were also sea creatures: jelly fish, a school of yellow fish, lobster claws, sea horses, octopus limbs, o my…

On a weekday morning, we arrived about 10 am and it was comfortable viewing the displays. An hour later the crowds had begun to grow (no pun intended-ha!).

Then, it was fun to people watch, and see so many enjoying this amazing exposition. But, we could only image it would get busier and busier as the day went on. We left to make room for others.

For me, the flower show builds excitement as I anticipate seeing spring flowers out-of-doors soon.
The show goes through April 7.