The simple but powerful word, breath, is heard a lot these days.

I believe all breath begins with God. He is the giver of breath, the giver of life. “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Job 33:4
But a little over a week ago breath was taken from George Floyd at the hand of a police officer. “I can’t breath”, were some of George’s last words and became the chant of thousands of protesters to his deplorable murder. Unfortunately some of the protests erupted into horrible acts of violence and looting…and broke our hearts and took away from what we are all looking for – justice and an end to racism.
I read this quote in a comments section of a blog. “Let us all take a breath. Let us all take a breath. Everyone in the country needs to take a breath for peace. Take a breath….because Mr.Floyd could not.” ~ anonymous.
Later that day I picked up the book my friend and I use for writing group to check on our next assignment and I was surprised and suddenly overcome with emotion…the next assignment was titled “Breathe“. I immediately texted my friend and asked her if she had looked at the assignment yet. She had not and without telling her what it was about she looked it up and it caused an emotional reaction for her too.
This word…it keeps showing up…and is so apropos to our current situation…this week, this death, these unsettling times.
As we continue to process all that is going on in this world right now, let us take deep breaths for peace, be kind to one another, and remember God is among us.
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6