Blueberry Picking


I picked blueberries this morning at Little Hill Berry Farm. It’s great to have fresh, local, organic fruit available close to home. My motivation this morning, on the last day of picking for this season, was to have some available for my son who is home for a short visit from Mozambique. He made arrangements to come back to attend a college friend’s wedding in MI and stopped by MN for a few days before heading back to Africa. It’s so good to see him. It was a sweet moment when he Skyped home this morning and precious, little Zoey (21 months) said “Hi Daddy!” It’s the first time I’ve heard her say daddy.

Last July when his wife and daughter were visiting us in Minnesota and I took them Little Hill Berry Farm to pick blueberries. It was a first experience for them and now a fun memory.

July 2015

Baby Ezra


I mentioned earlier…I want to write about things I’m thinking about and about adventures I experience.

Right now what I’m thinking about is my grand-son who is three weeks old. He lives in Africa with his mom and dad (my son) and older sister. Ezra Nghala is in the hospital with pneumonia and bronchiolitis so I’m not thinking of much else these days, except him and their family. Hopefully he will get well and be able to go  home soon.

I haven’t had the chance to hold him, and I’m not sure when we will be able to meet him, and this makes me sad. When his sister, Zoey Tiyisela was born in October 2014, we were able to go to Africa to meet her and visit for one month. We had some exciting adventures there.