A Night Memory

The writing assignment was to write a joyful memory of night. Joyful is not the right word for my story, but it is an unforgettable night memory…

It was a dark and stormy night (in 2014)…  

We had a delayed start to our day, as we headed north to our vacation destination: Zongoene Lodge, a beautiful resort on the Indian Ocean in Mozambique, Africa. The hired drivers of a 15-passenger van were late to arrive at our apartment.

Our 2 1/2 month old granddaughter, in 2014.

When the driver’s arrived, seven family members filed into the rented van, with everyone’s luggage. Our son, his wife and 2 1/2 month old daughter, and Gary and I, piled into our son’s car. Finally, we were on our way. We drove out of the city on a good four-lane highway. After a couple of hours, we turned off the highway and started driving down a muddy, dirt road that had been washed out by all the rain from the previous night. 

Our resort was still 35 kilometers away (22 miles). As we drove further into the countryside, the road got muddier, the puddles got deeper, and the ride got bumpier. The road was rugged, full of ruts and major pot holes, with large standing mini-lakes and water flowing over the road. You couldn’t see the potholes through the mud puddles. 

By now the sun was setting, and it had started to rain. 

Looking out over a few flooded areas towards our resort and the Indian Ocean. (2014)

Tim and Gary were in the front seat of our son’s car, Baby Zoey was strapped in her car seat in back with Andrea and me. The van, with the two hired drivers, and seven others from our party were behind us. The road kept getting worse. At one point, about 14 km in, our car slid down a steep hill and almost toppled over, but we made it to the bottom and stopped along side the road. We waited for the van, and watched it slide down the hill. I was praying it would reach the bottom without tipping over. 

Once the van stopped, the angry drivers got out and said they would go no further. One said he had not been told the road would be so undriveable. But how could we have known the rains would cause such a mess?

Now that we were all stopped, it was obvious nobody was going to go any farther without help. But how? We were in the middle of nowhere, at night, in Mozambique Africa – a dark sky, made darker with clouds, and no traffic or traffic lights or city lights within miles and miles of where we were stranded…with a 2 ½ month old baby! Hmmm…I said to Andrea…”it will be interesting to see how God gets us out of this mess.” 

Well, unbelievably, Tim’s cell phone worked. He was able to call the lodge. The manager rounded up two four-wheel drive vehicles (one belonged to a guest of the lodge) and they came to rescue us.

We waited over an hour when we finally saw headlights coming our way. The manager of the resort was in one of the vehicles. We transferred our luggage and rearranged the twelve of us into three vehicles. Once everyone and our luggage was out of the van, the van drivers stepped on the accelerator, spun their tires in the mud, turned the van around and sped away…madder than a hornet’s nest (after demanding more money.) They drove back up the hill (unbelievably they made it) and headed back to the city, while we headed to the resort, another ten miles down the dark, flooded, washed-out dirt road. We had all been dispersed into different vehicles with strangers, in the middle of nowhere, trusting we would all end up in the same place in a short while. 

Grandma, Avó (Portuguese for grandma) and baby Zoey in 2014.

The resort owner drove Tim’s car, since he knew the road and could maneuver the dangerous spots. He led the way. Dan, Tim’s friend, was a good sport. He ended up in the bed of a pickup truck bouncing all the way back… in the rain! Finally, we all made it to the resort at midnight, after a very scary ride. We all let out a sigh of relief and a praise to God. 

The staff had been waiting for us to arrive and had prepared a special drink to toast us as we walked into the lobby of Zongoene Lodge. A toast to our safe arrival, a toast to welcome us, and a toast to a night none of us would ever forget!

Another “Interruption of Service” Adventure

This is one of our many adventures we had while in Mozambique over the Christmas holiday in 2014. A different kind of “interruption of service” from two hired van drivers.

The Indian Ocean

In 2014 our family spent Christmas together in Maputo, the city where my son (Tim) and his family lives. While we were all together my son planned a special stay at a resort on the Indian Ocean for the New Year. We had a late start the day we headed north to Zongoene Lodge. We rented a van and two drivers to help transport our large group – they arrived two hours late. Once on our way we drove out of the city traffic and had a nice drive along a four-lane highway. After a couple of hours we turned off the highway and started down a muddy, rutty, dirt road. The sun was setting. Our resort was still twenty-two miles away. There had been flash floods the night before and there were many flooded sections of the road. As we drove further into the countryside the road got muddier, the puddles got deeper, and the ride got scarier.

There were five of us in Tim’s car and the 12-passenger van, with the two hired drivers, carried seven others from our party. The road kept getting worse. We came upon another hill and Tim’s car slid down it. We pulled over and watched for the van – I was praying it would make it down the hill without toppling over. It did, but that was it…the angry drivers got out of the van and said they would go no further (as if it were our fault the roads were bad). It started raining again and night had fallen – and it was very dark – and we were somewhere in the middle of Mozambique  – with a 2 ½ month old baby! Hmmm…I turned and said to my daughter-in-love, “it will be interesting to see how God gets us out of this mess.”

Well unbelievably, Tim’s cell phone worked, he called the lodge, and the manager borrowed four-wheel drive vehicles from resort guests and came to rescue us.

An overview of the landscape and resort on the Indian Ocean.

We waited over an hour but finally two vehicles arrived with the manager of the resort in one of them. We transferred our luggage and rearranged the twelve of us into the three vehicles.  Then the van driver stepped on the accelerator, spun the van tires in the mud, turned the van around and sped away…madder than a hornet’s nest! They headed back to the city and we headed to the resort, another ten miles down the dark, flooded, muddy road.

We had been dispersed into different vehicles with strangers, in the middle of Mozambique, trusting we would all end up in the same place in a short while. The resort owner was behind the wheel of Tim’s car since he knew the road and could maneuver the dangerous spots.  Another one of our party was a good sport. He ended up in the open bed of a pickup truck bouncing all the way to the resort…in the rain! Finally we all made it to Zongoene Lodge, at midnight, with a sigh of relief and praises to God.

The Indian Ocean

We had an enjoyable week at the lodge on the Indian Ocean. The sun came out and the roads dried up so they were passable on the way out.

Beautiful Zongoene Lodge, Mozambique