The Archer House

Over a year ago, in November 2020, the Archer House River Inn in Northfield was destroyed by fire. 

(photo by cb)

This month, it has finally been taken down. It took over a year to set things in motion to dissemble this historic inn that was on the National Register of Historic Places. It took a few weeks for the demolition to be complete.


It was a sad sight to see on a daily basis in Northfield’s downtown. The area is now cleared out, but a “hole” remains on Division Street (the main street), and in resident’s hearts. What will replace the beloved hotel remains to be determined.


So, so sad…

The historic river inn in Northfield caught on fire last night, about 5 o’clock. This morning fire trucks continue to pour water on the building and smoke still billows in the air.

A landmark in Northfield MN: The Archer House. Photo taken morning of 11/13/20.
Fire damage to the treasured river inn in Northfield. Photo taken 11/13/20.

What a tragic loss for our town…the beloved Archer House, opened 1877.

Photo taken morning of 11/13/20.