Northfield Library

Have I mentioned how much I like the Northfield library? I know I have, but it seems I always walk away with such good feelings about our wonderful Carnegie library in downtown Northfield. I am thankful we have this great space and resource in our town.

The big beautiful atrium near the entrance to Northfield’s library.

A couple weeks ago I had a scheduled session to learn about the Libby app, an app used to borrow ebooks from the library. I had to go in again, for more help with additional questions. I got the help I needed, with the feeling “my personal librarian” had all the time in the world for me and my questions…This librarian has helped me before with technical questions, so I try to meet with him when I can. I had to go in a third time and learned I was using the app correctly, but the kindle had to be reset. I think I’ve got it now, but if not I will not hesitate to go in and get help.

When I arrived at the library, the librarian saw me through the beautiful glass windows and waved to me. It felt so welcoming. And always…the person behind the desk greets patrons as soon as they step through the doors. 

After my initial help session, I went to the children’s section and once again, received the help I needed in finding a book from one of the children’s librarians I know. I met her when I took my grandchildren to the library story hours when they lived in Northfield. 

The day I had my initial app training session I learned that the library now loans out Canon DSLR cameras, a sewing machine, a telescope and more. They are experimenting with these new items to borrow. I like the idea. 

For a few minutes my librarian friend and I talked a bit about taking photos. We found out we both like to take pictures. I mentioned I use my iPhone to take my photos. He has a fancier camera. He suggested I try one of the Canon DSLR cameras the library loans out. I laughed out loud and said… I want to learn one thing at a time, and right now that is simply how to use the Libby app.